I think it’s about time for that “weigh loss” post that I’ve been dangling. I know you’re all so anxious to read all about shedding the pounds. Ha!
Last July I went to my annual physical and the nurse took my weight and vitals. When she plugged my weight into the computer it said “please confirm”. Like, are you sure this is actually accurate? This caught her attention and she rechecked what she had written down and made mention of it to me. Of course I smiled a bit bigger and confirmed that indeed she should see a change from the year before. The nursed continued, along with her trainee, to gush over how proud I should be of myself. Thanks thanks ladies let’s move along….that was my thought.
You see with weight loss it’s a strange rollercoaster. Trust me this is a ride I’ve ridden before (though I hope to never again). It takes time for people to notice the changes you are making. For me right around the 25 pound weight loss mark the comments begin. It’s absolutely wonderful when people recognize your hard work but for me the attention it creates is kind of hard for me. You see I’m proud of myself but I don’t see it as such a BIG deal. I needed to make a life change, I set my mind to it, and so I’m DOING IT! When people note the dramatic changes it makes me feel great, but I don’t see what they see. I still see a chubby girl (though less of her), I still see the fat friend, I still see the me I always saw to some degree. Sure if you show me a picture of how I used to look I can undoubtedly tell the difference. The tricky thing with weight loss is there are all these things you can change (diet, physical capabilities, beliefs, environment, etc) but it’s very hard (for me) to change the way I see myself. I’m a work in progress. I know I’ve changed. Goodness I have gone down 5 pants sizes…so clearly I know there are changes that have occurred. The scale hasn’t been this number in well over a decade, actually longer. I am just working on seeing the me I am today and not the me I was 2 years ago.

So back to that doctor appointment. That day I saw a nurse, a nurse in training, the doctor and a med student……they are just raved about the work I’ve done. I left there feeling better than I can ever remember leaving the doctor feeling. You know when you go to the dentist to get your teeth cleaned and you know how great it will feel only to find out you have 4 cavities (what? That doesn’t happen to you, ugh). Defeat and now a little less jingle in your wallet. Well this appointment was a good one. I’m actually looking forward to going back this year and that is typically not the case in the past.
So how did you do it? I get asked this A LOT. More than anything else lately I get asked what the magic trick was. So do you want to know what it is too? Come on you know there is no magic trick. If there was we’d all have done it a long time ago and we’d be living happily ever after in our skinny jeans together. The thing is there isn’t a pill or a trick you can do that will change your lifestyle permenantly without putting in the hard work. This is my opinion only of course. I’m sure someone will read this that does swear by something else. For me it was an overhaul on my diet and exercise. I ate way too much and most of it was processed junk. That’s not to say I don’t have junk, I likely have a bit every day. But it’s just a bit….it’s not my entire diet. I am not a vegetarian but I also don’t eat a whole lot of meat anymore. If I do it tends to be chicken, turkey, fish (if you call that meat, ha) and occasionally lean pork chops. I just don’t eat a ton of meat. In a nutshell I eat much more like you are told over and over to eat. I make better choices and I don’t just shove my mouth full of food because I’m bored. I have my bad days….but they are less frequent. They really aren’t even bad DAYS anymore but a bad meal. They say it takes 30 days to make a habit and this lifestyle has become my habit and I’m enjoying it.

The exercise has come a bit more gradually for me. I started with just joining a gym. Imagine that, great place to start right?! I have belonged to the gym before but I never took classes because I figured there was no way I could keep up. So I started with Zumba, which I’m sure you’ve all already read that post. I liked it, and to be honest at first I only liked it. Namely because I didn’t feel like I was “dancing” as much as I was flailing around to keep up with everyone else. But it got easier, I got better and then I started to love it more and more. With that I ventured out and tried weight lifting class (more for toning than to be a muscle head), step aerobics, aqua classes (gasp!!) and kick boxing. The more I tried the more I realized I actually am made for classes. I totally work well off the energy of being in a class. I push myself and I don’t give up. If I tried any of these classes at home with a video would have stopped 15 minutes in because I would have HAD to go do the laundry or dishes or whatever it was that night. I have some great workout ladies that keep me accountable and who I enjoy seeing regularly to keep me motivated. So now going to the gym or working out isn’t a chore. I really, honestly, look forward to it and enjoy the changes I have made because of it.
I tell my husband he got a new and improved wife….ok with saggy skin (different pos) but still better than I once was. I have so much more energy to be a better wife and mother. I want to run and jump with my kids because I can. My kids haven’t noticed the changes, at least not that they’ve said…..but I have and I know they are happier with the mom I am today. I had to occasionally give up time with them to make these changes but I know me being a healthier me is better for all of us.
So that’s me…… 90 pounds less of me but it’s me. I didn't use trainers or a specific program. It's all thanks to hard work, determination, motivation and a FANTASTIC support group!

As this point I am happy with the number on the scale. I’m now working on toning and maintaining. I fear this could be the really challenging part but I’m ready for it. When I turned 30 I said that I was going to make my 30’s better than my 20’s. I think I’m off to a good start and I’m not about to stop!