Spring Fever…...I've attempted to write this blog no less than 5 times. Then the sun casts its' rays into my window BEGGING me to get outside with my boys and soak it up. I just can't say no. It's unheard of to have 70-80 degree weather in March. So I've been doing a lot of soaking....hence my absence. I've had great intentions though, please believe!! Then again I’m sure those of you who read my little piece of world are doing much of the same!
Funny little story to share. So for years now, approximately 2, I’ve though my children are not skilled enough to ride a bike…..WITH training wheels. On Sunday we get said bikes out and they STILL cannot ride them. Imagine our frustration, but now G and I were flying our out neighborhoods fearlessly on our bikes as kids. Surely our children inherited our bike riding skills. Well after some time of pushing their seats and getting frustrated we notice their tires are mighty flat. Raised the seats a bit, filled the tires with are and they were OFF. The boys started riding around like it was their job. Who knew, a little air in the tires, makes it a whole lot easier. Whoops! Oh and for style we went out and got them each a bell as well.
Had a little girls night out a week ago and it was great. Being a mom is the BEST and more rewarding thing I've ever decided to do. It's so easy to lose track of myself and to make time for my friends. So I'm trying to make a better effort to be a better friend and to enjoy some good old fashion girl time. Sure I miss my boys when I'm away but I'll never regret spending time with friend who mean the world to me as well. After suddenly losing someone very dear last year I was slapped in the face with the reminder of how precious life is and how unpredictable it is.
This blog is taking a turn, so I'm going to roll with it. Let me preface this with I have a few great girls that will likely each make their debut in posts in the near future.
This is my girl, she's always there for me and always offers an awesome story to laugh at or the best ear to listen. This girl is LEGIT, AMAZING....if you know her you agree. April and I have been friends since I was 15....and that's more than half my life...which is a lot.
As I'm sure you can tell April is a little person.....she has OI (Google it for the details). Often people tell me how amazing she is an how remarkable all her accomplishments are. She has her own condo, a great job, drives a car, etc. You see she's just like all of us. And although to most of us these things aren't all that remarkable the fact she does it all so effortlessly is pretty darn great. April doesn't think she's great though, to her she's just April and average like the rest of us. I'm constantly impressed that NOTHING ever holds her back, it's not even an option. April's mom had her at a very early age (17) and never gave up on her or her career. She's a successful nurse and has always done wonders for her family. April clearly inherited that from her mom! So Jeje, I know you'll read this eventually.....I love you. I think you're amazeballs and I'm pretty darn humbled that you call me one of your best friends. Man am I blessed!!
Ok side tracked...but for a great person.
This weekend was obviously St Patty's day. Took my boys to see some Irish Dances since we have a we bit of Irish in us, yes we do. They weren't too keen on watching a bunch of "girls" dance around stomping their feet but they liked the corned beef that came later. They were also impressed by all the other people who got the memo to wear green, what a coincidence!
Our lovely neighbor boy told the boys that if you leave the leprechaun a letter and chocolate he will leave you gold and candy. Well I'm glad I was warned but it sure wasn't much warning. I was armed with Starburst jelly beans and M&M's so we were set there....but the gold....yeah momma didn't make an ATM trip in time and the leprechaun doesn't take debit. So what's a mom to do? Yup stole a dollar from each of their piggy banks and pawned it off at "the leprechaun". THEY LOVED IT...and the fact that they were up at 5:10 am to share in their joy made the guilt of taking money out of their piggybank disappear pretty quickly. Leprechaun will be better prepared next year. Really what extra celebration is next? This celebrating St Patricks day with green toilet water and gold is all new to me. Anyone else?!
Top of the morning to you all, or something like that.
Now go soak up those rays please.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Thursday, March 8, 2012
I got the moves like Jagger
I got moves people. Ok, might not be 100% accurate but in my little world it is. However my kids do have moves, it’s the Latin influence. They’ve got skills…..seriously!
I was feeling a bit frustrated working on something this week at work….so what do you do to lighten the mood, turn on the radio. To my delight “Single Ladies” is on. This makes this sister want to jump on top of her desk and bust a move. Why is that? I’m not single but man do I want to wave my hand around and let loose. Much to the disappointment of my co-workers I restrain myself. The desire is there though.
Perhaps we need to implement dance breaks much like smoke breaks. Actually come to think of it this is a grand idea. A short little 15 minute break a few times a day to bust a move. Think about it, many people do not get enough exercise right? This would evoke some activity in their lives. And let’s face it dancing makes people happy. Happy people are productive people. Come on, I am on to something here. Both healthy and happy employees, could you ask for much more?! I hope this comes to fruition some day. Turn it up!!
Tuesday night I checked out the local PTA (though it’s called something else now) meeting at the elementary school the boys will be attending in the Fall. At the registration meeting on Monday they invited new kindergarten families to join. Likely a ploy to get help but I’m all for being involved in my children’s educational “career”. Of course I was the only “new” person to attend. Honestly had it not been the night following kindergarten registration I’m not sure I would have gone, but I went!!
I felt old. No one there was “old” but being at a PTA meeting made me feel old. I couldn’t possibly have kids old enough to be going into elementary school. After all I’m still stuck jamming to Nelly in myminivan vehicle. But a mammogram one week and PTA meetings the next……hello new phase of my life?!
I’m pretty sure I’ll stick with it. I don’t want to be one of those parents who isn’t involved at all. I want to be there and soak it all up. After all I only get to do this once so I’m going to do it well!
Yup that's one of the boys dancing with our neighbor, only 2 kids dancing!! Garage party what?!
Working on convincing myself I am not getting old here. Going to download some new jams yo, if you see me with my iPod dancing along Main Street please stop and join me!!
I was feeling a bit frustrated working on something this week at work….so what do you do to lighten the mood, turn on the radio. To my delight “Single Ladies” is on. This makes this sister want to jump on top of her desk and bust a move. Why is that? I’m not single but man do I want to wave my hand around and let loose. Much to the disappointment of my co-workers I restrain myself. The desire is there though.
Perhaps we need to implement dance breaks much like smoke breaks. Actually come to think of it this is a grand idea. A short little 15 minute break a few times a day to bust a move. Think about it, many people do not get enough exercise right? This would evoke some activity in their lives. And let’s face it dancing makes people happy. Happy people are productive people. Come on, I am on to something here. Both healthy and happy employees, could you ask for much more?! I hope this comes to fruition some day. Turn it up!!
Tuesday night I checked out the local PTA (though it’s called something else now) meeting at the elementary school the boys will be attending in the Fall. At the registration meeting on Monday they invited new kindergarten families to join. Likely a ploy to get help but I’m all for being involved in my children’s educational “career”. Of course I was the only “new” person to attend. Honestly had it not been the night following kindergarten registration I’m not sure I would have gone, but I went!!
I felt old. No one there was “old” but being at a PTA meeting made me feel old. I couldn’t possibly have kids old enough to be going into elementary school. After all I’m still stuck jamming to Nelly in my
I’m pretty sure I’ll stick with it. I don’t want to be one of those parents who isn’t involved at all. I want to be there and soak it all up. After all I only get to do this once so I’m going to do it well!
Yup that's one of the boys dancing with our neighbor, only 2 kids dancing!! Garage party what?!
Working on convincing myself I am not getting old here. Going to download some new jams yo, if you see me with my iPod dancing along Main Street please stop and join me!!
Sunday, March 4, 2012
If I could turn back time
This won't be the last time I say this as a parent I'm sure. It's days like today that I wish they were babies still. Here's the deal.....I've contemplated the whole would it be easier to have twins or a toddler and a baby scenarios? I have concluded that all and all I think having 2 children that are the same age is pretty darn ideal. You get a built in play buddy, sleepless nights all over at once, teething all at once, etc etc. HOWEVER, when it's comes to my babies going to kindergarten then it's horrible. Breaks this momma's heart. I want them to be little and innocent for a whole lot longer. This is when I wonder if having a little one at home still might soften the blow!? Unlikely right? I can't believe they are almost starting this next journey in their little lives.
Kindergarten registration is tomorrow and it's fairly safe to say I'm not ready. They are over the moon so excited. And I'm proud that we have raised confident little boys who aren't afraid to spread their wings but man does it ache a bit!!
Wish me a little luck. Goodness it's only registration. It's like the appetizer to the real deal. No biggie....I can munch on this for a bit.
Thanks for all the love regarding my previous post. I appreciate all of you who reached out to me to share your experiences with me and to share in my relief. And again to those who are fighting the fight or who will in the future please always remember to FIGHT LIKE A GIRL.....we're tougher than those boys ever will be, hee hee!!
The Lorax. Have you seen in yet? Did you know it was Dr Suess' birthday on Friday? You need to see this movie. If you don't have a child to take to the movie borrow one...legally of course. It's a really cute much with a really cute message. I enjoyed it as did my little guys. So check it out, that's my little movie review for you there.
Summing up the weekend would entail informing you all that I am enjoying posting this blog in my new recliner. New furniture, LOVE this. Now the no more eating on the furniture and no jumping on the furniture rules have been reinforced. Lets see how long this lasts. Oh and another weekend highlight Dairy Queens blizzard of the month is mint Oreo...this forced me to get one a bit ago. It was delish and as good as I hoped. Great weekend but they sure do fly by too fast.
Kindergarten registration is tomorrow and it's fairly safe to say I'm not ready. They are over the moon so excited. And I'm proud that we have raised confident little boys who aren't afraid to spread their wings but man does it ache a bit!!
Wish me a little luck. Goodness it's only registration. It's like the appetizer to the real deal. No biggie....I can munch on this for a bit.
Thanks for all the love regarding my previous post. I appreciate all of you who reached out to me to share your experiences with me and to share in my relief. And again to those who are fighting the fight or who will in the future please always remember to FIGHT LIKE A GIRL.....we're tougher than those boys ever will be, hee hee!!
The Lorax. Have you seen in yet? Did you know it was Dr Suess' birthday on Friday? You need to see this movie. If you don't have a child to take to the movie borrow one...legally of course. It's a really cute much with a really cute message. I enjoyed it as did my little guys. So check it out, that's my little movie review for you there.
Summing up the weekend would entail informing you all that I am enjoying posting this blog in my new recliner. New furniture, LOVE this. Now the no more eating on the furniture and no jumping on the furniture rules have been reinforced. Lets see how long this lasts. Oh and another weekend highlight Dairy Queens blizzard of the month is mint Oreo...this forced me to get one a bit ago. It was delish and as good as I hoped. Great weekend but they sure do fly by too fast.
Friday, March 2, 2012
My own kind of paradise
Loving me some Friday! The weather here is supposed to get pretty gross later today but it’s Friday so BRING IT ON. I’m going to be snuggled up on the couch with my boys for a Friday night movie and fresh made popcorn. Perfect way to spend a Friday these days. My how that’s changed in a decade.
So, I’m not one for “New Years Resolutions” but I did make a mental note right around January 1st to go out at least once a month with my husband in 2012. Sounds easy enough right? Well as you all know life is busy and add to that he works every other weekend, complicates matters. Well I’m happy to report we are 1/6th of the way through 2012 and we’ve managed to make good on my little goal. We’ve enjoyed a date night of dinner and shopping and dinner, shopping and movie. See a trend? Mom needs some new clothes people, oh and love me some sushi so any excuse and I’ll take it. So if you’ve got some great date suggestions for me that are fun, that maybe you’ve done, pass them along. I’ll take any time I can get with my man but I’m open to suggestions. Maybe for March it could be a corned beef and cabbage date…..probably not, but it could be!
Image from the wonderful Angela who can be found here-http://greenpaint.smugmug.com/
My brain is all off track today. Lets back it up to the weather again. Because of the snow, I’m dreaming of Brazil. I WANT TO BE THERE. I miss my husband’s entire family (serious!), I miss the most fantastic food ever, I miss watching my boys soak it all up, I miss the beautiful weather and I miss the shopping.
I need a fix NOW. G’s brother is getting married in December and we’re hoping to be able to go. Right now the flight prices are the only thing holding us back. I’m hoping for a miracle here. We want to spend the holiday (Christmas, boys birthday, New Years) in Brazil for once. I can live without snow on Christmas for a year to be with them. And let’s be real, we rarely get snow this year anyway….bust.
My mother in law is a cook from a different world. I mean my family can cook but this woman does it up “Leave it to Beaver” style. She’s AMAZING. Everything that comes out of her kitchen knocks my socks off. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything come of out of a can. Who know you could cook without cans? She spends hours a day in the kitchen but you can taste the love when the food makes it to the table. I’m drooling now, great!
Happy Weekend Friends!!
So, I’m not one for “New Years Resolutions” but I did make a mental note right around January 1st to go out at least once a month with my husband in 2012. Sounds easy enough right? Well as you all know life is busy and add to that he works every other weekend, complicates matters. Well I’m happy to report we are 1/6th of the way through 2012 and we’ve managed to make good on my little goal. We’ve enjoyed a date night of dinner and shopping and dinner, shopping and movie. See a trend? Mom needs some new clothes people, oh and love me some sushi so any excuse and I’ll take it. So if you’ve got some great date suggestions for me that are fun, that maybe you’ve done, pass them along. I’ll take any time I can get with my man but I’m open to suggestions. Maybe for March it could be a corned beef and cabbage date…..probably not, but it could be!
Image from the wonderful Angela who can be found here-http://greenpaint.smugmug.com/
My brain is all off track today. Lets back it up to the weather again. Because of the snow, I’m dreaming of Brazil. I WANT TO BE THERE. I miss my husband’s entire family (serious!), I miss the most fantastic food ever, I miss watching my boys soak it all up, I miss the beautiful weather and I miss the shopping.
I need a fix NOW. G’s brother is getting married in December and we’re hoping to be able to go. Right now the flight prices are the only thing holding us back. I’m hoping for a miracle here. We want to spend the holiday (Christmas, boys birthday, New Years) in Brazil for once. I can live without snow on Christmas for a year to be with them. And let’s be real, we rarely get snow this year anyway….bust.
My mother in law is a cook from a different world. I mean my family can cook but this woman does it up “Leave it to Beaver” style. She’s AMAZING. Everything that comes out of her kitchen knocks my socks off. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything come of out of a can. Who know you could cook without cans? She spends hours a day in the kitchen but you can taste the love when the food makes it to the table. I’m drooling now, great!
Happy Weekend Friends!!
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
My lovely lady lumps....check 'em out!!
If it ain't broke don't fix it right? Seems I've got a bit of an obsession lately with using lyrics in my post names. So I'm going to rock it once again tonight because it's fitting. Cleared that up!
It's been a week or so since I blogged. And honestly there has been a reason for it. I've been abit pretty freaking stressed. Works busy, but when is it not so it really wasn't causing my stress. My health was. Seriously people, seriously, I've turned 30 and ever since I've experience "illness" that I've never had before. What gives? Turn 30 and your health gets all wacky......me no likey! Since I am being so honest here though I'm going to spill the beans. I found a lump in my chest. A dear family friend was recently diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 28. Yup 28, that's just not fair. Due to her diagnosis I have been much more timely at doing my own self exam (like doing it at all to begin with to be honest). Well on Monday the doctor determined that she wasn't really "concerned" but that Wednesday I would take a trip to The Breast Clinic for a mammogram and ultrasound. Breast Clinic, that's about the most obvious name for a clinic I've ever heard. Well I've heard that mammograms suck and are painful so I wasn't really excited. And to be honest I was scared so I really didn't share because I didn't want to scare others.
I'm so happy to report that all went GREAT and that I am doing just fine in my lady lumps!! And I didn't spend the morning looking like this....(my best attempt at a painful face)!
I promise you it isn't that bad. And honestly the minor amount of discomfort involved outweighs making sure your health is in check. I sat in a room with woman much much older than myself that seemed so calm and relaxed, just reading their magazine like they were waiting for lunch to be ready. I was FREAKING out in my hospital duds. I was literally silently praying as I sat there. I prayed for my health, I prayed for all the women around me and I prayed for our friend Amy who is fighting the fight right now. They have all walked through the same doors as me and although we won't all walk out with the same results we know how to feels to go in there.
So I took a little break for a week because it would have been hard for me to ignore this was happening but I certainly wasn't prepared to blog about it. All is good in the hood now though!!
I squeezed my little dudes a little harder tonight and reminded myself just how blessed I am.
We can now return to our "normal broadcasting" and hopefully get back to more fun topics together.
Before I go. I have to say that I just love the bathroom at our local Children's Museum. Do you ever take your kiddos to a public bathroom and have to go at the same time as them? Well being a good parent you let them go first all while doing the pee dance yourself. Torture I tell you. Well the museum has an adult and kiddy size toilet in the same stall. GENIUS, shear genius....so much so that I had to take a picture to share. I hope this catches on nationally.
Seems appropriate not to sign off, ha. Peace lovers, thanks for all your prayers and support....and obviously patience while I was MIA!
It's been a week or so since I blogged. And honestly there has been a reason for it. I've been a
I'm so happy to report that all went GREAT and that I am doing just fine in my lady lumps!! And I didn't spend the morning looking like this....(my best attempt at a painful face)!
I promise you it isn't that bad. And honestly the minor amount of discomfort involved outweighs making sure your health is in check. I sat in a room with woman much much older than myself that seemed so calm and relaxed, just reading their magazine like they were waiting for lunch to be ready. I was FREAKING out in my hospital duds. I was literally silently praying as I sat there. I prayed for my health, I prayed for all the women around me and I prayed for our friend Amy who is fighting the fight right now. They have all walked through the same doors as me and although we won't all walk out with the same results we know how to feels to go in there.
So I took a little break for a week because it would have been hard for me to ignore this was happening but I certainly wasn't prepared to blog about it. All is good in the hood now though!!
I squeezed my little dudes a little harder tonight and reminded myself just how blessed I am.
We can now return to our "normal broadcasting" and hopefully get back to more fun topics together.
Before I go. I have to say that I just love the bathroom at our local Children's Museum. Do you ever take your kiddos to a public bathroom and have to go at the same time as them? Well being a good parent you let them go first all while doing the pee dance yourself. Torture I tell you. Well the museum has an adult and kiddy size toilet in the same stall. GENIUS, shear genius....so much so that I had to take a picture to share. I hope this catches on nationally.
Seems appropriate not to sign off, ha. Peace lovers, thanks for all your prayers and support....and obviously patience while I was MIA!
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
I love you forever, I'll like you for always....
Dear Caleb,
How is it possible that you are already 5 years old? You and Ayden are growing up too fast. I wish I could freeze time right now but I know so many parents who wish they could do the same but haven’t figured out how exactly to accomplish that.
You are my baby. I tell you that and you remind me that you’re not a baby. And really you aren’t my baby just because you are younger than Ayden but I like to say it to you anyway. Someone has to be the “baby” so you have be given that privilege. You were our little surprise. You were our Baby “B”……nothing we planned for but more than we could have ever imagined. When daddy and I found out we were having 2 babies we were shocked. Daddy was so happy and excited that he was going to have 2 little babies to love and hug. I was a little nervous because I didn’t know if I could love you both the way I knew I could love one. Thanks to God I have more than enough love in my heart for you and Ayden and I couldn’t be more happy that you are a part of our family.
You are your brothers opposite or maybe he is your opposite. Either way. I love it, you complement one another. You are so easy going and always have been. You were never the baby that demanded much attention but you always let us know you were there. You can sometimes fall into Ayden shadow because he is so dominant but you don’t seem to mind and you handle the role very well. Most twins have this dynamic and the two of your are no exception There are also times when you take charge and lead your brother. When you have an idea in your head it is impossible to change your mind. Never lose that. When you know that something is right and that there is a better way to accomplish something don’t ever be afraid to speak up and let your voice be heard. One thing about you and your brother I simply don’t understand is that he’s left handed and your right handed so why do you insist in sitting on the same chair at the table some nights with your dominant hands both hitting one another? Why not switch sides so you don’t have to be constantly bumping into each other? Oh well, one of those things I will never understand.
You are ridiculously smart. People tell me this all the time. I try not to brag about it but in my heart, and in daddy’s heart, we are so proud of your intelligence. You taught yourself to read before you were 4. You blew us away. One day we were driving in the car and we drove passed a gas station and you said “Look it’s Speedway.” Speedway what? How did you learn how to read so easily? It just amazes me. The best part about your talent is that you share it with anyone willing to listen. I love watching you read to your brother. I love when you read to anyone in our family. I particularly love when I come to school and see a friend snuggled up next to you reading. So far school has come very naturally to you….I pray that this continues for many many years. You love learning and you are great at it.
You are not the social butterfly of our family, Ayden has taken that role on…..however you are a great friend. You are not one of those people who believes in having all the friends in the world. You enjoy having a few great friends. When you talk about your friends you light up. You love to tell about their lives and about your interactions with them. I love that you have these bonds. I completely agree with you-It’s not about the quantity of friends you have it’s about the quality. Always remember that.
You have a smile that could light up the world. When you show your real Caleb smile you make the room smile. When you really give a good belly laugh it’s infectious. The thing that seems to make you laugh the most is Ayden. Frequently daddy and I have no idea what is so funny but Ayden will have you cracking up and we just smile with tears in our eyes. I am amazed by the bond that two people can share so effortlessly. If only everyone in the world could have someone as special to them as you are to Ayden and he is to you.
You are a great child and a pleasure to raise. You are a really good listener and often follow directions the first time we ask (could you share some of that with Ayden ). When given instructions on how to do something you like to do it exactly as you were told. You are a very literal person. We used to say if we told you it was raining cats and dogs you’d probably look outside and laugh and tell us it wasn’t. You are much to wise beyond your years.
You remind us all the time that it’s almost time for you to go to Kindergarten. You are ready to see what it’s like. You and Ayden are both becoming more and more comfortable being individuals but never too distant from one another. As you continue to grow and make your way to elementary school I hope you stay as close as ever. I hope you always protect one another. I know you are ready for the next step but I don’t think daddy and I are quite yet. Please always let people know who you are and don’t be afraid to speak up. You have such wisdom to share….let the world hear it. I look forward to continuing to watch you grow and mature. I look forward to always being in the crowd cheering you on. I am so proud of everything you have done and everything you will do. I love you Cay-dubs!!
Monday, February 20, 2012
A piece of me
Dear Ayden-
You turned 5 a month and a half ago and I’m finally going to write you a letter, as I have been intending to for some time now.
You are my first born. Ok it was only be 2 minutes but someone has to be first right? You take the role very seriously. Even so, you are still very tender hearted to your brother in allowing him to “trump” you with the card that he’s bigger. I think being bigger to him must mean that he is actually older. Regardless you have 2 minutes on him, we both know it and that’s all that matters.
When I was pregnant with you and Caleb I prayed night and day that I would have a long term and successful pregnancy and that you would both be healthy. When you were born it was all a blur but somewhere in there your dad told me that they were calling specialists in to listen to your chest because you had labored breathing. My first scare as a parent and you weren’t even 5 minutes old. Turned out everything was just fine. When I got to finally see you and hold you I was so amazed at how handsome you were. You looked just like your daddy and snuggled right up next to me instantly.
You’ve remained that great cuddle bug for the last 5 years. You are such a sweet boy who really loves to be close to me and daddy. If there is any chance that we will carry you to bed at night or sing you a lullaby you soak it right up. Just today on the way to school you told me “Mommy I don’t want to grow up and go to college. I want to live with you forever.” I told you that when you go to college you might meet the girl you want to marry and then you will have a family together. You replied “Well can I have your car then?” Sure buddy I’ll let you have the minivan and I’ll get some fun small car to drive daddy and I. Deal?!
You are the humor in our house. You are always so silly and keep us laughing daily. I figure you’ll likely be the “class clown” who either the girls can’t stand or who they swoon over. I’m going to go for the latter since you do have that Latin influence in your blood. You always know how to lighten a mood with a joke or some silly antic to make us all laugh. And you LOVE to talk. I can’t imagine where you inherited that gene but man do you give me a run for my money. You are always being reminded in school to raise your hand and to give others a chance to talk. Looking back at some of my old report cards they say much of the same. People like us keep the conversation rolling so there doesn’t have to be awkward silence; don’t ever lose that skill it’s a good one to have.
You love to eat, man do you love to eat. I frequently have nightmares about my grocery bill in about 8 years when you and your brother are teenagers. Scary. But you really do love anything. There are very few things you won’t eat. You love anything from sushi to anything Brazilian. I love your adventure and the fact you will at least try new food, can you please share a bit of that with your brother?!
You are a FANTASTIC brother. The love you have for Caleb melts my heart and makes me so proud to be your mom. You’re always willing to play what he wants to play just because you want to be near him. You beg us to sleep in his bed with him because you want to keep him company. You are always watching out for Caleb. You would never let anyone do anything to hurt him. Sure you argue from time to time but in all reality it’s very little. I believe it’s because of the unique and incredible bond you have from being twins. Whatever it is thank you for loving him as much as you do. You’re both so blessed to have one another.
The last 5 years are a whirlwind, it’s all flown by too quickly. I genuinely hope the next 5 years go by more slowly, though I doubt they will. I want to soak up every last morsel of your childhood. I want to take you places and watch the light in your eyes when you see something for the first time. I want you to do great things. Try your hardest at school and be the best you that you can be. I will always be proud of you and I feel so blessed to watch you grow up.
I love you Ayd-A-Boo!
Love, Mommy
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Drop it like it's hot!!
I think it’s about time for that “weigh loss” post that I’ve been dangling. I know you’re all so anxious to read all about shedding the pounds. Ha!
Last July I went to my annual physical and the nurse took my weight and vitals. When she plugged my weight into the computer it said “please confirm”. Like, are you sure this is actually accurate? This caught her attention and she rechecked what she had written down and made mention of it to me. Of course I smiled a bit bigger and confirmed that indeed she should see a change from the year before. The nursed continued, along with her trainee, to gush over how proud I should be of myself. Thanks thanks ladies let’s move along….that was my thought.
You see with weight loss it’s a strange rollercoaster. Trust me this is a ride I’ve ridden before (though I hope to never again). It takes time for people to notice the changes you are making. For me right around the 25 pound weight loss mark the comments begin. It’s absolutely wonderful when people recognize your hard work but for me the attention it creates is kind of hard for me. You see I’m proud of myself but I don’t see it as such a BIG deal. I needed to make a life change, I set my mind to it, and so I’m DOING IT! When people note the dramatic changes it makes me feel great, but I don’t see what they see. I still see a chubby girl (though less of her), I still see the fat friend, I still see the me I always saw to some degree. Sure if you show me a picture of how I used to look I can undoubtedly tell the difference. The tricky thing with weight loss is there are all these things you can change (diet, physical capabilities, beliefs, environment, etc) but it’s very hard (for me) to change the way I see myself. I’m a work in progress. I know I’ve changed. Goodness I have gone down 5 pants sizes…so clearly I know there are changes that have occurred. The scale hasn’t been this number in well over a decade, actually longer. I am just working on seeing the me I am today and not the me I was 2 years ago.
So back to that doctor appointment. That day I saw a nurse, a nurse in training, the doctor and a med student……they are just raved about the work I’ve done. I left there feeling better than I can ever remember leaving the doctor feeling. You know when you go to the dentist to get your teeth cleaned and you know how great it will feel only to find out you have 4 cavities (what? That doesn’t happen to you, ugh). Defeat and now a little less jingle in your wallet. Well this appointment was a good one. I’m actually looking forward to going back this year and that is typically not the case in the past.
So how did you do it? I get asked this A LOT. More than anything else lately I get asked what the magic trick was. So do you want to know what it is too? Come on you know there is no magic trick. If there was we’d all have done it a long time ago and we’d be living happily ever after in our skinny jeans together. The thing is there isn’t a pill or a trick you can do that will change your lifestyle permenantly without putting in the hard work. This is my opinion only of course. I’m sure someone will read this that does swear by something else. For me it was an overhaul on my diet and exercise. I ate way too much and most of it was processed junk. That’s not to say I don’t have junk, I likely have a bit every day. But it’s just a bit….it’s not my entire diet. I am not a vegetarian but I also don’t eat a whole lot of meat anymore. If I do it tends to be chicken, turkey, fish (if you call that meat, ha) and occasionally lean pork chops. I just don’t eat a ton of meat. In a nutshell I eat much more like you are told over and over to eat. I make better choices and I don’t just shove my mouth full of food because I’m bored. I have my bad days….but they are less frequent. They really aren’t even bad DAYS anymore but a bad meal. They say it takes 30 days to make a habit and this lifestyle has become my habit and I’m enjoying it.
The exercise has come a bit more gradually for me. I started with just joining a gym. Imagine that, great place to start right?! I have belonged to the gym before but I never took classes because I figured there was no way I could keep up. So I started with Zumba, which I’m sure you’ve all already read that post. I liked it, and to be honest at first I only liked it. Namely because I didn’t feel like I was “dancing” as much as I was flailing around to keep up with everyone else. But it got easier, I got better and then I started to love it more and more. With that I ventured out and tried weight lifting class (more for toning than to be a muscle head), step aerobics, aqua classes (gasp!!) and kick boxing. The more I tried the more I realized I actually am made for classes. I totally work well off the energy of being in a class. I push myself and I don’t give up. If I tried any of these classes at home with a video would have stopped 15 minutes in because I would have HAD to go do the laundry or dishes or whatever it was that night. I have some great workout ladies that keep me accountable and who I enjoy seeing regularly to keep me motivated. So now going to the gym or working out isn’t a chore. I really, honestly, look forward to it and enjoy the changes I have made because of it.
I tell my husband he got a new and improved wife….ok with saggy skin (different pos) but still better than I once was. I have so much more energy to be a better wife and mother. I want to run and jump with my kids because I can. My kids haven’t noticed the changes, at least not that they’ve said…..but I have and I know they are happier with the mom I am today. I had to occasionally give up time with them to make these changes but I know me being a healthier me is better for all of us.
So that’s me…… 90 pounds less of me but it’s me. I didn't use trainers or a specific program. It's all thanks to hard work, determination, motivation and a FANTASTIC support group!
As this point I am happy with the number on the scale. I’m now working on toning and maintaining. I fear this could be the really challenging part but I’m ready for it. When I turned 30 I said that I was going to make my 30’s better than my 20’s. I think I’m off to a good start and I’m not about to stop!
Sunday, February 12, 2012
I like it hot and SWEET
You pervert. Did you think I was talking dirty? Quite the opposite, I’m talking coffee.
I like it hot and I like it sweet!!
Prior to having children I didn’t care for coffee. Eww….disgusting. Post children-LOVE IT! Got to have it.
So in 2010 my parents gave me a fantastic Christmas gift. A Keurig. O>M>G one of the best creations. So today I’m paying tribute to my Keurig and to tasty coffee.
I really actually wanted a Keurig but couldn’t justify buying one because I didn’t know how often I’d actually really use it. Well it turns out…daily. This little machine is one of the biggest perks of my morning…..comes in pretty high following the 3 males I live with. What’s it going to be today? Golden French Toast? Hawaiian Hazelnut? Pumpkin Spice? The options are endless and oh so good. My Keurig has become a part of my daily routine. Make coffee, pack lunch, load up the kiddos to go to school, get the car moving and enjoy coffee on my drive in. Check, check and check.
In January we were in Disney and the trip was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G but I was definitely missing my morning coffee. Thankfully the good eats in Disney quickly helps me forget about that void on a daily basis. I made it. That and my kids are cool and their laughs can make even the biggest coffee fan forget their withdrawl headache for even 15 minutes.
I have found the best selection of coffee variety at Bed Bath & Beyond. They’ve got everything. So if you’re thinking of investing in a Keurig. Do it. You don’t have to pay full price necessarily either, there are coupons for store everywhere. Look for one, you can probably get a sweet deal on what will likely. Better yet....if you have an amazing best friend who is even a bigger fan than you are then you'll hit her up to share new flavors with you. Win win! Thanks for always keeping my coffee habit in check. Add it to the list of many many reasons why I love you!
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Weak in the knees
In honor of the upcoming holiday next Tuesday…..
Lets back it up to how G and I met for those of you who don’t know the story.
August 30, 2003 a friend convinced me to head up to the Taste of Madison for some good eats and music. While there, we stopped at one of the corners to watch a country singer (can’t remember who but I’m sure G knows). I noticed this group of guys dancing “mosh pit” style to this female singer. Of course I watched them and giggled to myself . Well just as they were about to walk away this guy (“G”) bites the tip of his finger and gives me these hubba hubba eyes as they leave. WHAT WAS THAT? And did he just do that to me? Was it even directed at me? I look behind me, no one there but this lady sleeping on a bench.
I was intrigued! That was a pretty gutsy gesture and then to just walk away!
I told my friend that I needed to meet the guy. Might seem crazy but something in me told me I needed to meet him! We proceed to attempt to find this group of guys in a sea of thousands of people. Just as we were about to give up and probably go grab some fried cheese curds I spotted them crossing the road to leave (thank goodness for my spy tech skills). At that point I did what any mature adult woman would do….I hid behind a tree and I asked my friend to go tell the guy we were going to go to karaoke later that night and to meet us there.
Fast forward about 6 hours we’re at the bar wondering if they will show up. All I knew at this point was that he was hot and that he had an accent (melting). My friend thought he was probably from Mexico…..I doubted that. After waiting entirely too long we decided we were going to leave. Guess who showed up? You got it…..4 good looking Brazilian (not Mexican) guys, one of them obviously now my hubby!! We spent that night hanging out and getting to know one another’s name finally…..which I thought he said was Gene. I was pretty happy when I realized that wasn’t accurate….no offence to the Gene’s of the world!
Let me also just say how “lucky” my husband is that I trusted my intuition. After all, he was wearing a shirt that said FBI (Female Body Inspector) on it and that’s really not something that I’m guessing typically attracted the ladies.
Almost 9 years later and I still love that hot accent and I’m happy I decided to tag along to the Taste of Madison that hot summer day!
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Shake it like a polaroid picture
Zumba….if you haven’t jumped on board with do it!! Did you make a New Year’s resolution to exercise more? This could be what you need. For the last year I’ve called it my “non-workout workout.” Say what? What I mean is that I enjoy it so much it doesn’t even feel like a workout. Seriously people I love Zumba and I’m not afraid to shout it out!
What is Zumba? Well it’s a “Latin-inspired” dance/fitness party. Every class/instructor has their own style but in my experience it tends to be a mix of hip hop and Latin music. Who doesn’t love a little alcohol free hour of dancing from time to time? It doesn’t hurt that you can burn 500 calories or more in a single class while having a good time too!
The best part about Zumba is you can just be yourself. You shake what your momma gave you and have a blast doing it. No one is watching you (ok I do watch people from time to time). Generally speaking however most people are busy watching the instructor and they don’t have time to worry about if you get every step right. If you’re upright and if you’re moving you likely won’t be noticed. Also if you’re lucky they will turn the lights low and then you can really let it all go! Find a class near you, seriously, try it. I’m sure it will make you as feel like a kid again!
I’ve touched the fact that in the last year I’ve lost weight, and I have, but that post isn’t today’s post. I attribute a large portion of my weight loss to exercise and a large majority of my exercise has been Zumba. I don’t love going on machines because I get bored. I’m don’t really enjoy weights, but I try. But give me a dance floor and some hip hop and suddenly I think I’m J-Lo. I’m sure my skills are lacking but for that hour class I couldn’t care less and enjoy the party.
Not convinced yet? Maybe you should try Aqua Zumba. That’s right Zumba in the water…..crazy. I haven’t gotten to try this yet and I’ve heard mixed reviews. However, in 2012 I will try it. Last year you wouldn’t have caught me in a swimsuit if you paid me but this year I might be convinced to give it a shot.
If you aren’t ready to hit up a class well then stream some good music on your iPod at home and do your own thing. I stream a Zumba channel and it plays many of the songs from the class. Kids need to get some energy out? In my house we crank it up and have a dance off….sometimes we play tag during the dance off. Let me tell you there is major calorie burn going on in my house when a dance off is in effect.

Please try it….it’s changed the way I look at exercise. I enjoy it now!
What is Zumba? Well it’s a “Latin-inspired” dance/fitness party. Every class/instructor has their own style but in my experience it tends to be a mix of hip hop and Latin music. Who doesn’t love a little alcohol free hour of dancing from time to time? It doesn’t hurt that you can burn 500 calories or more in a single class while having a good time too!
The best part about Zumba is you can just be yourself. You shake what your momma gave you and have a blast doing it. No one is watching you (ok I do watch people from time to time). Generally speaking however most people are busy watching the instructor and they don’t have time to worry about if you get every step right. If you’re upright and if you’re moving you likely won’t be noticed. Also if you’re lucky they will turn the lights low and then you can really let it all go! Find a class near you, seriously, try it. I’m sure it will make you as feel like a kid again!
I’ve touched the fact that in the last year I’ve lost weight, and I have, but that post isn’t today’s post. I attribute a large portion of my weight loss to exercise and a large majority of my exercise has been Zumba. I don’t love going on machines because I get bored. I’m don’t really enjoy weights, but I try. But give me a dance floor and some hip hop and suddenly I think I’m J-Lo. I’m sure my skills are lacking but for that hour class I couldn’t care less and enjoy the party.
Not convinced yet? Maybe you should try Aqua Zumba. That’s right Zumba in the water…..crazy. I haven’t gotten to try this yet and I’ve heard mixed reviews. However, in 2012 I will try it. Last year you wouldn’t have caught me in a swimsuit if you paid me but this year I might be convinced to give it a shot.
If you aren’t ready to hit up a class well then stream some good music on your iPod at home and do your own thing. I stream a Zumba channel and it plays many of the songs from the class. Kids need to get some energy out? In my house we crank it up and have a dance off….sometimes we play tag during the dance off. Let me tell you there is major calorie burn going on in my house when a dance off is in effect.

Please try it….it’s changed the way I look at exercise. I enjoy it now!
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
In loving memory
This is a sensitive topic for me but one I’m going to write about. Why you might ask? Well because it’s about someone who is SUPER important to me and I love her tons and she’s worthy of getting her own post on my blog post. Anny I hope you don't mind....
I had a very dear friend pass away in July 2011 suddenly from a brain aneurysm. It’s a word I never thought I’d know how to spell, aneurysm, but I do. Pam was an absolutely amazing friend. She was always thinking about other people and always made sure to keep in contact with those who mattered to her. She was kind of like a “mother hen” to many. You could ask her advice on anything (literally anything!!) and she would always take the time to thoughtfully respond to what troubled you. So many people fly through life really not listening to one another but Pam always listened.
We became friends early on in elementary school and always remained in contact, some times more than others, over the years. We grew up in the same neighborhood and went to the same schools after she came to Westside. I remember fondly her mom used to have Halloween parties in the woods behind their house. I remember cruising around looking for nothing to do once we could drive. I remember many many fun times had with my dear friend.
When I moved away to college Pam rode with me to make sure I had someone with me for the ride. She stayed that first weekend with me and helped me get acquainted. I’m sure I could have totally done this on my own but she wanted to make sure and be there for me. Pam was also an amazingly gullible person. You could tell her just about anything and get her to believe you. I can think of many instances where I fibbed and told her something totally out of left field and somehow she always believed me. The trick was remembering to tell her at some point it was a joke. Her eagerness to always see the best in people and always believe that people had the best of intentions are both qualities I always admired. Last April Pam sent me an e-mail and she said “Tiffany you are GORGEOUS!!!!! You are by far the prettiest girl I know!” I am so humbled by that comment. That is really the ultimate compliment, I have kept that e-mail and will keep it for as long as possible. She was always so supportive in anything I tried to achieve, which in this case was my weight loss.
So when I got the call on July 16, 2011 that she had suddenly passed away my heart broke. My heart still breaks today. In that very instance my life was changed FOREVER. I didn’t know my life without Pam in it. There was no way she could be gone. Who would I call when I really just wanted to call Pam? As I shared the news with those closest to me I felt like I was lying to them because there was no way she wasn’t with us. I had spent the entire day before e-mailing back and forth with her and making plans for her and her husband to come over that Sunday for a pool party. She was totally fine.
In the days that followed I found myself constantly wondering if Pam knew how much she meant to me. It’s not something I just tell my friends regularly, though I should. Did she know how much I admired her and how much I felt as close to her as a sister? Did she know that I longed for the day she was going to be a mom because she was going to be a great momma? Did she know how beautiful she was both inside and out? I was in such shock after her passing that it really didn’t’ seem real. But now what I wouldn’t give to talk to her one more time and to hear that infectious laugh. The pain isn’t less and I don’t know that it ever will be. But I know there is a plan and I know she is where she’s meant to be. My job is to honor her and to never forget her. To share her story and to let everyone else enjoy my friend Pam, even if only for a day. She was AMAZING and she will always live in my heart. I am truly beyond blessed to have been able to be friends with her for more than 20 years. I’m the lucky one.
I have many fun stories with Pam and throughout this blog when she gets brought up now she’s been formally introduced. So this might seem like it’s a sad post and I’m not trying to be a downer. This is really just to tell you all how blessed I was to have had such an amazing friend in my life for so many years. It’s important to enjoy life and talk about all the great things but it’s also important to talk about things that help shape us into who we are as well.
I had a very dear friend pass away in July 2011 suddenly from a brain aneurysm. It’s a word I never thought I’d know how to spell, aneurysm, but I do. Pam was an absolutely amazing friend. She was always thinking about other people and always made sure to keep in contact with those who mattered to her. She was kind of like a “mother hen” to many. You could ask her advice on anything (literally anything!!) and she would always take the time to thoughtfully respond to what troubled you. So many people fly through life really not listening to one another but Pam always listened.
We became friends early on in elementary school and always remained in contact, some times more than others, over the years. We grew up in the same neighborhood and went to the same schools after she came to Westside. I remember fondly her mom used to have Halloween parties in the woods behind their house. I remember cruising around looking for nothing to do once we could drive. I remember many many fun times had with my dear friend.
When I moved away to college Pam rode with me to make sure I had someone with me for the ride. She stayed that first weekend with me and helped me get acquainted. I’m sure I could have totally done this on my own but she wanted to make sure and be there for me. Pam was also an amazingly gullible person. You could tell her just about anything and get her to believe you. I can think of many instances where I fibbed and told her something totally out of left field and somehow she always believed me. The trick was remembering to tell her at some point it was a joke. Her eagerness to always see the best in people and always believe that people had the best of intentions are both qualities I always admired. Last April Pam sent me an e-mail and she said “Tiffany you are GORGEOUS!!!!! You are by far the prettiest girl I know!” I am so humbled by that comment. That is really the ultimate compliment, I have kept that e-mail and will keep it for as long as possible. She was always so supportive in anything I tried to achieve, which in this case was my weight loss.
So when I got the call on July 16, 2011 that she had suddenly passed away my heart broke. My heart still breaks today. In that very instance my life was changed FOREVER. I didn’t know my life without Pam in it. There was no way she could be gone. Who would I call when I really just wanted to call Pam? As I shared the news with those closest to me I felt like I was lying to them because there was no way she wasn’t with us. I had spent the entire day before e-mailing back and forth with her and making plans for her and her husband to come over that Sunday for a pool party. She was totally fine.
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This was before my weightloss...yikes! |
In the days that followed I found myself constantly wondering if Pam knew how much she meant to me. It’s not something I just tell my friends regularly, though I should. Did she know how much I admired her and how much I felt as close to her as a sister? Did she know that I longed for the day she was going to be a mom because she was going to be a great momma? Did she know how beautiful she was both inside and out? I was in such shock after her passing that it really didn’t’ seem real. But now what I wouldn’t give to talk to her one more time and to hear that infectious laugh. The pain isn’t less and I don’t know that it ever will be. But I know there is a plan and I know she is where she’s meant to be. My job is to honor her and to never forget her. To share her story and to let everyone else enjoy my friend Pam, even if only for a day. She was AMAZING and she will always live in my heart. I am truly beyond blessed to have been able to be friends with her for more than 20 years. I’m the lucky one.
I have many fun stories with Pam and throughout this blog when she gets brought up now she’s been formally introduced. So this might seem like it’s a sad post and I’m not trying to be a downer. This is really just to tell you all how blessed I was to have had such an amazing friend in my life for so many years. It’s important to enjoy life and talk about all the great things but it’s also important to talk about things that help shape us into who we are as well.
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Life with multiples
Like many other parents of multiples I've been asked all the typical questions. Are they identical? (really? Look at them please.) You must be tired? You've got to be so busy? Did you have medical intervention? Were they born early? You get the point.
I will be honest. I had an extremely uneventful pregnancy, and I'm not complaining a bit. My nurse once told me that I should write a book on what it's like to be pregnant with multiples because I made it look so easy. Honestly I felt like if I moped around and complained about how much it sucked to be as big as a house (teasing) then I would be more miserable. I knew that we would likely have only 2 children so I planned on enjoying growing 2 little people in my belly as much as I could.
The most eventful time in my pregnancy was going to triage at 35 weeks (Black Friday 2006) thinking I COULD be in labor. My mom and I went to just see and after some testing and finding out I had Braxton Hicks they sent me home. Ha, lame I know. Oh and around the same time one night I was taking out my contacts and sneezed at the same time, peed my pants. Embarrassing but true!
Anyway, moving on...
We were blessed with our boys and how could you not swoon over the two of them once you saw how absolutely adorable they were and how much they love one another.
I will be honest. I had an extremely uneventful pregnancy, and I'm not complaining a bit. My nurse once told me that I should write a book on what it's like to be pregnant with multiples because I made it look so easy. Honestly I felt like if I moped around and complained about how much it sucked to be as big as a house (teasing) then I would be more miserable. I knew that we would likely have only 2 children so I planned on enjoying growing 2 little people in my belly as much as I could.
Around 32 weeks |
Anyway, moving on...
We were blessed with our boys and how could you not swoon over the two of them once you saw how absolutely adorable they were and how much they love one another.
Ayden and Caleb couldn't be more different yet similar in some ways as well. I'm going to introduce them from my point of view to you all so that going forward you already know a bit more about them than you do right now. So Ayden was born first, and he just learned that, so lets keep it hush hush because it's bothering Caleb to know he's younger when he's actually bigger, haha!! Ayden is a "life of the party type" a total comedian as well. He's naturally very chatty (not sure how that came about) and still a fantastic cuddle bug. With all milestones we thought Caleb would do them first and then all of a sudden Ayden would beat him by a day or two. He loves to play and he loves to wrestle with this daddy. Oh and this kiddo will eat ANYTHING, seriously sushi, whatever, he doesn't care. Caleb is a bit more laid back and go with the flow. He's reserved and a big less opinionated. Caleb is far smarter than his age as well. He taught him self to read when he just turned 4. That comes in handy when I need to cook dinner and he can entertain them both. He's less social than Ayden but he can still tell a great story and has a great imagination as well. Also a big difference is that Ayden is a lefty and Caleb a righty. I love this, I think it's such a fun difference.
Life with 2 babies was pretty much a blur. But life with two 5 year olds is amazing. They are such cool people. They have opinions and are learning such cool things lately. Everyday is a fun adventure. What used to be a bit more daunting to go out and do alone is now fairly easy and fun. We're the busy kind and always out and about having fun and I love that they are down for anything. My kids are just cool....at least I think they are!
Ok Goofy makes anyone cool |
That's my intro to A & C and I know there will be many more stories about them. Kindergarten is coming folks....
And lets be clear.....
Identical? No, obviously
Tired? Aren't all parents
Busy? Again, aren't all parents
Medical Intervention? No
Born Early? Nope 38.5 weeks here!
Friday, February 3, 2012
Hey there blog world. It’s about that time. I think I need to jump on the blogging wagon. I’ve been thinking about it for about 2 years now but have decided to take the leap. I have always been a talker and one to share my life with those around me. So why not spread that to the world right?! Ha!
5th birthday party
Anyway to get started for those of you out there who might not know us well we’re The Retcheski’s. There are 4 of us in total……there is my fantastic and handsome husband “G” and our fun and spunky twin 5 year old boys Ayden & Caleb and then of course there is me, Tiffany. Our story starts in 2003 when G and I met at the Taste of Madison. You know one of those girl see’s hot guy, hot guy waves at girl, girl can’t believe that the hot guy waved at her….but he did. Fast forward a little over 2 years and they are married. But to back track for just a moment it should be noted that my husband is originally from Brazil. He had plans prior to our meeting to return home shortly to his family and life he’d always known. After meeting me those plans were side tracked and he decided to stay and see where things went. Obviously I am beyond grateful for his taking a chance and being so selfless to think I am worth all that he gave up. Granted I know we have gained much since that time but I still have residual guilt to think of how far we have to be from his family. Thankfully we have been able to go to Brazil twice since our boys were born and we’re planning another trip in the near future (YEAH)!!
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Blurry first picture |
Ok then in December 2006 we were blessed with 2 happy and healthy twin sons. Oh and the story of me finding out about the twins will have to wait for a different day for a different post. This is just and intro. “A”yden was our baby “A” and Cale”b” was our baby “B”…..funny how that worked out. Or maybe I’m just OCD, whichever!!
The boys were born at 38.5 weeks by scheduled c-section as they were both breech. Had it not been for that I’m fairly certain they would have never come out. I tried EVERYTHING to induce labor and they were just too happy and cozy being close to each other in their momma’s tummy!
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