Sunday, March 4, 2012

If I could turn back time

This won't be the last time I say this as a parent I'm sure. It's days like today that I wish they were babies still. Here's the deal.....I've contemplated the whole would it be easier to have twins or a toddler and a baby scenarios? I have concluded that all and all I think having 2 children that are the same age is pretty darn ideal. You get a built in play buddy, sleepless nights all over at once, teething all at once, etc etc. HOWEVER, when it's comes to my babies going to kindergarten then it's horrible. Breaks this momma's heart. I want them to be little and innocent for a whole lot longer. This is when I wonder if having a little one at home still might soften the blow!? Unlikely right? I can't believe they are almost starting this next journey in their little lives.

Kindergarten registration is tomorrow and it's fairly safe to say I'm not ready. They are over the moon so excited. And I'm proud that we have raised confident little boys who aren't afraid to spread their wings but man does it ache a bit!!

Wish me a little luck. Goodness it's only registration. It's like the appetizer to the real deal. No biggie....I can munch on this for a bit.

Thanks for all the love regarding my previous post. I appreciate all of you who reached out to me to share your experiences with me and to share in my relief. And again to those who are fighting the fight or who will in the future please always remember to FIGHT LIKE A GIRL.....we're tougher than those boys ever will be, hee hee!!

The Lorax. Have you seen in yet? Did you know it was Dr Suess' birthday on Friday? You need to see this movie. If you don't have a child to take to the movie borrow one...legally of course. It's a really cute much with a really cute message. I enjoyed it as did my little guys. So check it out, that's my little movie review for you there.

Summing up the weekend would entail informing you all that I am enjoying posting this blog in my new recliner. New furniture, LOVE this. Now the no more eating on the furniture and no jumping on the furniture rules have been reinforced. Lets see how long this lasts. Oh and another weekend highlight Dairy Queens blizzard of the month is mint Oreo...this forced me to get one a bit ago. It was delish and as good as I hoped. Great weekend but they sure do fly by too fast.

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