Hey there blog world. It’s about that time. I think I need to jump on the blogging wagon. I’ve been thinking about it for about 2 years now but have decided to take the leap. I have always been a talker and one to share my life with those around me. So why not spread that to the world right?! Ha!
5th birthday party
Anyway to get started for those of you out there who might not know us well we’re The Retcheski’s. There are 4 of us in total……there is my fantastic and handsome husband “G” and our fun and spunky twin 5 year old boys Ayden & Caleb and then of course there is me, Tiffany. Our story starts in 2003 when G and I met at the Taste of Madison. You know one of those girl see’s hot guy, hot guy waves at girl, girl can’t believe that the hot guy waved at her….but he did. Fast forward a little over 2 years and they are married. But to back track for just a moment it should be noted that my husband is originally from Brazil. He had plans prior to our meeting to return home shortly to his family and life he’d always known. After meeting me those plans were side tracked and he decided to stay and see where things went. Obviously I am beyond grateful for his taking a chance and being so selfless to think I am worth all that he gave up. Granted I know we have gained much since that time but I still have residual guilt to think of how far we have to be from his family. Thankfully we have been able to go to Brazil twice since our boys were born and we’re planning another trip in the near future (YEAH)!!
Blurry first picture |
Ok then in December 2006 we were blessed with 2 happy and healthy twin sons. Oh and the story of me finding out about the twins will have to wait for a different day for a different post. This is just and intro. “A”yden was our baby “A” and Cale”b” was our baby “B”…..funny how that worked out. Or maybe I’m just OCD, whichever!!
The boys were born at 38.5 weeks by scheduled c-section as they were both breech. Had it not been for that I’m fairly certain they would have never come out. I tried EVERYTHING to induce labor and they were just too happy and cozy being close to each other in their momma’s tummy!
Awesome Tiffany! I can't wait to see and hear more!
Thanks Laura!
Oh Tiff, I am so pleased with your blog and look soooo forward to reading them....what an awsome tribute to your children....Your boys are adorable. Reading about children has such a healing effect on me. I just loved raising children and am so happy you were blessed with a great family....blog on dear friend, blog on,love Anny, Pam's mom xoxo
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